How to start anything

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Hi Friends,

I'm Brianna Sanchez and welcome to my first newsletter. Today's topic on how to start anything seems appropriate.

How many times have you thought about starting something and did not execute? If you're anything like me, it has been more times than you count. When it comes to starting anything, its simpler than you think.

Step 1 on starting anything: Identify an underlying belief that is holding you back.

I can name a few:

"I am not good enough."

"It has to be perfect."

"I don't have what it takes."

Get to know yourself, see what comes up and challenge those beliefs.

Remember, not every though you encounter is true.

Step 2 on starting anything: Start! Start Now. That's it.

Grab your to-do list, your favorite coffee and get to work.

I have a tendency to rush everything but what am I in the rush for? Oh. I know! It’s to make money duh! Everyone wants money. But the reality is, there's not much meaning in chasing the money.

I've wanted to become a writer or blogger for years, but I probably quit 100 times now. To solve this, I just started. I took any bit of action, even the smallest amount, to take me to the next level.

Little accomplishments matter.

Step 3 on starting anything: Imitate, create, iterate.

Ask yourself who do you want to be like? Learn how they created the life you would like to live, and then create your own roadmap.

To iterate is to repeat and go through again.

Iterate until you find your own voice.

Creating your own roadmap falls on you, but isn't that what makes it fun? Right?

Embrace the creativity of it all.

You don’t have to have it all figured out. You don’t need another you tube video on how to do whatever. (Maybe you do) But in the case of starting anything, what matters is action.

Simple but not easy. If it were truly easy, it would have been done by now.

The only one stopping you is you.

My mindset has held me back more times than I can count and the way to fix it is also simple but hard.

It begins by starting.

Everything I'm writing is nothing new. All this information is out there, it's like we are all facing the same battles but from a different view.

The only difference is, the ability to fight and push through doubt and never give up.

All you have to do is keep going, keep working on yourself.

There's no guarantee to success but the journey is worth it.

Finding yourself is worth it.

So, the question is how to start anything? The answer is just start.

That's it.


Brianna Sanchez

Open your mind, Seize Opportunity