Make This Year Count: Follow These Steps for Real Results
Hi Friends,
It's 2025.
Do you feel different today? My guess is you went out last night and are waiting for the first Monday to start.
Please don't let this be you.
And if it was, the next best step would be to start now.
If you have a desire to make a change this year, I have news: you won't make it if you rely on motivation to change.
The real answer is simple.
You need discipline.
Did you know 88 percent of people who start a New Year's resolution quit within the first two weeks?
Crazy right?
Where they go wrong is they go all in when actual change happens in the small, consistent changes over time.
You don't need a new year to change your life, but why should you care?
Have you ever envisioned your life to be something more than it is right now?
It's the reason you're reading this article right now. If you,
- Hate your job
- Hate the way you look
- Living for the weekend or
- Living paycheck to paycheck
I'm here to tell you that life is so much more on the other side of discipline.
People like to use the new year to change and set new goals.
That burst of dopamine feels good when setting new goals,
Real change happens when you reduce the time it takes to move from thought to action.
What that means is the moment you think of doing something, you act in that instant.
Don't wait.
That's the distinction between average and extraordinary.
Change is hard but necessary.
It has taken me such a long time to achieve the amount of discipline I currently have.
I want to help you achieve discipline in a shorter time. And over time, you'll find a deeper purpose for trying to achieve whatever it is.
Start small but start.
Here are five habits to create in the year 2025.
Step 1) Wake up earlier.
You hear the gurus talk about getting up before the sun, 5 am club, blah blah.
Yes, I agree to a certain extent, but your goal for just starting is to wake up one hour earlier.
Over time, you'll notice you get so much done when you wake up earlier.
I went from a lazy teen/adult to working two jobs, going to the gym 5 days a week, working on my business 1 hour a day, and still doing all the necessary tasks adults need to do, such as laundry, meal prep, 8 hours of sleep, reading daily, etc.
You'll get there.
Step 2) Get in the gym.
The gym has become a stepping stone into the impossible. It has carved and shaped me into what I can deem possible in my life.
The gym has given me so much energy and the ability to do more.
Rule of thumb: Never skip a Monday workout or go three days without going.
Get going.
You'll notice a change within the first month.
Start with 3 times a week for 30 min; once you've got that down for 3-4 weeks, increase it to 4 times, then go for an hour, etc.
Instill it into your life, and it will become something you just do.
I am at the point where it is hard to NOT go to the gym.
You can do it.
Step 3) Read 10 pages daily
Simple but necessary.
It has to be non-fiction personal development books to change your perspective.
Books provide a wealth of knowledge from people who have accomplished whatever you are trying to achieve.
Two books that changed me were Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, and Atomic Habits by James Clear.
Start there.
Step 4) Journal
Buy a cute notebook and cool pen, and start journaling.
Journaling allows you to start capturing what goes on inside your head.
If I read back into one of my journals from 8 years ago, internally, I was this negative-minded, depressed, insecure girl.
Journaling helped me become aware of what my mental state was and fix whatever was going on inside.
It has helped me overcome childhood trauma by doing the work. (I'll share more of this as I progress in my writing)
Step 5) Affirmations
Just trust me. Affirmations work.
It must be done first thing when you wake up. The times when I was consistent with my affirmation was when I was thriving the most in life. It helps rewire your brain, improve your well-being, and build confidence.
That's it.
None of this is meaningful if not done daily. Open google sheets (It's Free) and create a simple habit tracker to help you stay on track.
If you miss a day or two, give yourself grace and start again. You don't start over. You start from a place of experience.
The more you practice discipline, the more you become disciplined.
Make it a good year, my friends.