Why You Must Do This One Thing In Your 20's
Hi Friends,
The beliefs, ideologies, and lifestyle you have adopted by age 18 are most likely shaped by your parents, society, and the people around you.
Take a moment to stop and ask yourself if this is the life you want to be living?
The most likely answer is no.
And if you are in your 20's, then the answer is definitely no.
Because humans thrive when they work towards a higher goal.
As a teenager, you probably heard
- Get good grades
- Go to college
- Get a job that pays well
- Work until you're 65
- Retire
- Travel in-between.
This is conformity.
But at one point, we all had a dream. We all had a goal.
The only way to honestly act upon those dreams and goals is to move out of your hometown.
At the age of 23, I moved to San Antonio, Texas, and it was the best decision I had ever made for myself.
I realized that life is so much more than the four walls of El Paso, Texas.
It opened my mind to the many possibilities that life can offer, and I don't think that would have happened if I stayed.
I no longer conform to the ideas of those around me.
I no longer believe that we work to pay bills.
I no longer believe that a house is our biggest asset. (Read rich dad, poor dad)
And so much more.
Rather, I now believe:
I create my reality.
Abundance is my birthright.
Whatever I want in life is already mine.
I am rich.
I am healthy.
I am blessed.
I went through many challenges when I first moved, but would not change a thing.
Everything that happened was supposed to happen, and it couldn't happen any other way.
Here are four reasons why you should move out of your hometown.
1. Every city has its own personality.
For instance, my hometown is family-orientated and viewed as a small-city mindset.
And if you only ever experience one city, you become whatever the city is known for.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with this idea, but how would you know you value this if you haven't taken the time to figure it out for yourself?
Family is everything, but so is living the life you dreamed of, and figuring things out on your own is what makes it so worth it.
2. Life is on the other side of facing your fears.
Fear is the only emotion we allow to paralyze us.
According to the book "Doing the Impossible," you must lead with fear. Fear is an indicator that tells us we are in the right past.
Our minds create fear to be bigger than it actually is.
Face your fears because it will be the most liberating feeling.
And it indeed has been.
If you ever thought about moving away, even if it's just for a few years, you'll realize it's worth it.
3. Failure is inevitability
If you're not failing, then are you genuinely trying?
The most successful people have failed the most.
Failures are all a part of the process.
At the age of 27, I moved back home into my mom's house and couldn't help but think of myself as a failure.
I left the city I grew to love, broke up with the guy I thought I'd marry, experienced loss, and quit an excellent job.
The struggle was real. The depression was real.
Here I am again, on the other side of pain, with an even bigger dream.
I needed the past five years of working on myself to shape my next biggest dream.
Returning to my hometown made me realize this is not where I end up. This city is not for me.
And the only way I could know that is by leaving.
So here I am again, moving to an even better city with new goals and more experience.
I learned who I am.
I learned to have an opinion.
I've learned to never settle.
I've learned what I do want and don't want out of life
I've healed traumas.
I've experienced life fully.
I've loved fully.
If you don't fail, you won't learn.
4. Opportunities are everywhere.
I moved to another city because I knew opportunities were just better elsewhere.
This statement remains true.
Again, suppose you stay comfortable in your own city. In that case, you'll never realize you don't have to settle for the first opportunity presented to you.
Open-mindedness is essential in all this.
You have to be open to receiving what is out there.
Don't wait for something amazing, I guess?
Go after amazing.
Be amazing.
It's okay to chase the dream. Dream your biggest dream because you'll end up closer than you realize and moving out of your hometown is a MUST do for this realization.
Thank you for reading.